よこはま庁内報 No.267 1982年7月号(6月20日発行)全職員配布
編集:庁内報編集委員会 発行:横浜市市民局市民活動部広報課
The below is the official view published on the column named "Target" of the domestic bulletin distributed only for city employees in 1982 when the Saigo Administration (1978/1990) dismantled Tamura’s “the Planning and Coordination Bureau” after the previous mayor Asukata left the city in 1978 leaving Akira Tamura, his most trusted chief planner. The announcement was made during the International Conference on Urban Development YLAP co-hosted by the United Nations ESCAP in July 1982. As a member of the secretariat of the international conference, I was very puzzled and disappointed, because I was trying to convey the “planning and coordination function” to the world. It is obvious that the interpretation by the unknown author of the “planning and coordination function” is ambiguous: the sentence said “beyond the originally planned planning and coordination function,” but it did not say what the originally function was. Perhaps the author didn't understand it, either.
Yokohama City Hall Bulletin No.267, July 1982 (issued on June 20), distributed to all city employees
Edited by: Agency Bulletin Editorial Committee Published by: Public Relations Section, Civic Engagement Department, Civic Affairs Bureau, Yokohama City
Target: Expectations for the New Planning and Finance Bureau
As part of the recent organizational reform, the Planning and Finance Bureau was established. Actually, this is the first organization of its kind in a designated city, with the only example being in Saitama Prefecture. This is a unique bureau that will have both the planning and coordination functions, which are fundamental to city administration, and the financial functions, and will assist top management. With the establishment of the new bureau, there has been a lot of concerns among the administrative staff as to the specific scope of its work and how it will relate to the other bureaus and districts, but I believe that Mayor Saigo's aim in creating the Planning and Finance Bureau can be summed up in the following two points. One is the purification of the planning and coordination functions and the sharing of functions with each bureau and district, and the other is the expectation of dynamic financial management. The Planning and Coordination Bureau so far has gone beyond the originally planned planning and coordination functions and has now taken a step further into the actual implementation of projects. Aside from the merits and demerits of this move, it has made the scope of the division of functions between the Planning and Coordination Bureau and the other Bureaus unclear, and in some ways it has discouraged creativity and ingenuity in the other Bureaus. As the "Yokohama 21st Century Plan," which the city has been working on with all its functions, enters the implementation stage, the Planning and Coordination Department has taken the opportunity to reassert its original planning and coordination function, and has been assigned the role of managing the progress of the 21st Century Plan and leading the basic direction of the city government without error. It is truly a timely move. The planning and implementation of specific projects will be the responsibility and ingenuity of the bureaus in charge, and this will provide a good opportunity to motivate the staff as well as to improve the planning ability of the current bureaus. On the other hand, in order to steadily carry out the projects outlined in the Yokohama 21st Century Plan, adequate financial resources are needed, and as we enter a period of low economic growth worldwide, fiscal management in the future will require proactive efforts that look to the future and a flexible stance that can respond quickly to changing circumstances. In this sense, fiscal management also requires the precise insights and sound sense of balance that are required of the planning function, and this requires that the planning and coordination departments and the fiscal department overcome the sectionalism of their existing fiscal functions and complement each other's strengths and weaknesses and pool their wisdom. One of the factors that will determine the success of the new bureau is whether or not the planning, coordination, and finance departments can work in unison without being bound by sectionalism. The birth of the planning and finance bureau is attracting the attention of all staff members, and now that the personnel changes have been completed, I hope that the bureau will quickly establish its structure and demonstrate its outstanding leadership.