昔の写真 Old photos of young people

It is a quite rare opportunity to find out and get photos of people belonged to the early days of the Planning and Coordination Section, and especially photo of Akira Tamura when he was the head of the PCS has not been available for decades. This time thanks to Mr. Atsushi Naito’s donation of his old photos, we can have a look of Akira Tamura in his busy days and his young staffers who were working with a full of enthusiasm and dreams. 企画調整室の昔の写真と田村明の同時代の写真を得ることは、これまで大変に困難なことでした。この度、内藤惇之氏(1969年から1978年まで田村の企画調整時代に一貫して在籍)のご厚意により、内藤氏が写真を寄贈いただきました。ありがとうございました。

Akira Tamura, head of the Planning and Coordination Department, and Atsushi Naito, assistant section chief of the PCD, in their research trip to Okinawa in the year from 1973 to 1975 that was also donated from Atsushi Naito 企画調整局長・田村明と同主査。内藤惇之の沖縄出張写真:内藤惇之氏からの寄贈写真

A group photo of young officials of the Planning and Coordination Section with a full of enthusiasm and dreams in the Yamashita Park, May of 1971 that was donated from Atsushi Naito 企画調整室若手職員たちの集合写真、19715月頃、エネルギーと希望が溢れていた時代:内藤惇之氏からの寄贈写真