Masayasu Narumi, who was said to be a policy adviser to Yokohama Mayor Ichio Asukata, passed away on 14 February 2021 at the age of 89. Masayasu Narumi was a researcher at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Research Association (a union-affiliated think-tank, different from the Tokyo Municipal Government Research Association) before moving to Yokohama in 1963 at Asukata's request as deputy director (section chief) of the research office in the city's general affairs bureau. He remained there until 1978, when Asukata left the city. Asukata was supported by three able individuals - Narumi in politics, Tokuzo Matsumoto in research and Akira Tamura in urban planning - who put into practice the innovative city planning for citizens. Unfortunately, this obituary was only published in the local edition of Asahi Shimbun, and not in other major newspapers. Narumi wrote many articles, but there is no academic research which clarified his real image yet. Future research is expected.