田村明の都市デザイン Akira Tamura's Urban Design

秋元康幸氏(元横浜市職員、横浜国立大学特任教授)からの依頼で、BankART Schoolで「田村明の都市デザイン」を語ることになった。2021年9月23日(木)夜7時半からBankART Station(みなとみらい線新高島町駅)で、十数名の聴講生を前にして1時間半ほどお話しした。都市プランナー田村明がいつの時代から都市デザインを意識したのか、がある。そして、横浜市で岩崎駿介などの都市デザイナーが企画調整室に入る前、槇文彦などの外部専門家をどう活用しのか、も問われる。かつ、田村の企画調整活動の中で、都市デザインの位置づけと役割は如何なものだった、のかもそれ程明らかでない。



At the request of Mr. Yasuyuki Akimoto (former Yokohama City official, special professor at Yokohama National University), I was invited to give a talk on "Akira Tamura's Urban Design" at BankART School on Thursday 23 September 2021 at 7.30pm at BankART Station (Shintakashima-cho Station on the Minato Mirai Line). I spoke for about one and a half hours in front of a dozen audiences. There are several questions regarding Tamura’s understanding of urban design; when is Akira Tamura first became aware of urban design, how did he make use of outside experts such as Fumihiko Maki before urban designers such as Shunsuke Iwasaki joined the Planning and Coordination Department in Yokohama City? It is also not so clear what the actual position and role of urban design was in Tamura's planning and coordination activities.

In conclusion, Tamura understood the importance and its potential of urban design from the early 1960s, and was considering the use of urban design specialists in comprehensive planning. However, in order to respond flexibly to the ever-changing situation in the bureaucracy, he began to think that he really needed an expert within the administration. At the end of 1970, Iwasaki came back from studying at Harvard University. Tamura wanted to organize an urban design team in his department and Iwasaki shared this idea with Tamura. By the time Tamura was replaced by the new mayor in 1978, the city had attracted a diverse group of urban designers by that time. Since then, in the absence of a planning and coordination department directly linked to the mayor under Tamura's leadership, the urban design functions were severely limited, I presume.