Akira Tamura has been involved in a great many activities. Even those who have recognised themselves as his disciples have not been able to supplement the full picture of his work. In sorting through the catalogue of Tamura's books, we discover that he has written essays and books in an astonishingly diverse range of venues.
Tamura published an article in the magazine of the Japan Urban Planning Council, which was active from the 1970s to the 1980s. However, I did not know what this Japan Urban Planning Council was really about. There were no hits at all in internet searches or library information. In such a situation, I found the editor of the magazine through the information I happened to find, and the editor told me about the people involved at that time. That person was Masuda Masaru, President of the NPO Machizukuri Association.
Mr Masuda had been a member of the office of Tatsuo Katagiri (President of the Urban Research Institute), who served as the secretariat of the Japan Urban Planning Council, and he had been watching the activities of the Council from the side. Masuda was also friends with Akira Tamura, who donated a preserved annual report of the Council. From these documents, it is known that in 1967 (Showa 42), the General Planning Centre (with Tatsuo Katagiri in charge of administration) was established as a temporary organisation until the full-fledged establishment of a nationwide research and training organisation by local authorities. After accumulating a track record of research and training activities, in 1973 (Showa 48) a meeting was held in May of the same year by the promoters of the establishment, mainly consisting of alumni of training courses and those in charge of planning in the cities where the prefectural governments were located. It was officially established in June 1974. Tamura had been involved in this body from the outset as Director General of the Planning and Coordination Bureau of the City of Yokohama.
However, according to Masuda, "his office itself was merged with the other institute due to deteriorating management, and the Council also became difficult to manage over time, and its activities came to a halt when the people involved passed away".