Christian Dimmer クリスティアン・ディマさんの博士論文を掲載 C. Dimmer, professor of Waseda Univ., opens his doctorate dissertation written about Yokohama's urban design and Planner Akira Tamura

都市デザイン光田室長による講演会 Speech given from Mitsuda, chief of urban design section
On 20 April (Thursday), 2023, at 6 p.m., Asano Mitsuda, Chief of the Yokohama City Urban Design Office, and Yusei Katsura, Deputy chief, gave a lecture entitled "Report of the 'Future Conference' on Future Urban Design in Yokohama" as a commemorative lecture at the general meeting of the NPO Akira Tamura Study Group. 1-hour performance and 30-minute Q&A session, Various opinions were expressed by the participants. The question is whether the urban design office can continue to be an indispensable entity for the city in the comng future, 50 years after the establishment of the Urban Design.
講演者プロフィール Profile of lecturers
Mitsuda Asano光田 麻乃(みつだ あさの)Chief of the urban design office横浜市都市整備局都市デザイン室長
Katsura Yuki桂 有生(かつら ゆうき)Deputy chief of the urban design office横浜市都市整備局都市デザイン室デザイン調整担当係長
横浜市創造都市推進課ヒアリング Oral history of Yokohama creative city promotion office

秋元康幸ヒアリング記録 Oral history of Yasuyuki Akimoto
Akimoto Yasuyuki is an urban designer specialising in art. A graduate of the architecture department of Waseda University, Akimoto joined the City of Yokohama around the time Akira Tamura left the city's major road. Initially Akimoto worked for the Minato Mirai project, he was then assigned to the Urban Design Office, where he developed his own unique line of work amidst a group of senior designers of strong characters. In 2007, he became head of the Urban Design Office under the administration of Hiroshi Nakata (2002/2009). During his urban design activities, he was consistently obsessed with the collaboration of contemporary art and urban design activities. This developed into Creative City activities in the 2000s. Unfortunately, as the mayor has changed and his mentor Takeru Kitazawa (former head of the city's Urban Design Office and professor at the University of Tokyo, 1953/2009) has passed away, it became difficult to see the future of Creative City activities. In addition, Osamu Ikeda that was head of BankART1929 and a driving force behind Yokohama's contemporary art activities, died suddenly. Akimoto took over the difficult role of deputy head of BankART1929. Akimoto was one of the people who have turned the trend of Yokohama urban design. By Toshio Taguchi
都市デザイン室現役職員ヒアリング記録 Report of an interview with the urban designer engaged in the present administration
2022年の3月から4月にかけて北仲地区のBankART KAIKOで開催された「都市デザイン横浜展」は、そのテーマの通り50年間の横浜市における都市デザイン行政の歩みを振り返る催しであった。展示には幅広い世代の来訪者がおり、改めて横浜市における都市デザインの関心の高さをうかがわせるものだった。
NPO法人・田村明記念まちづくり研究会では、横浜市における都市デザインの役割の科学的な検証・調査を継続的に行なってきた。最近の目標は2022年11月にニュージーランドのオークランドで開催が予定されているSAHANZ and UMPH groupの学会報告だが、根本的には、地球規模での都市問題の質と量の変化に対応しうる都市デザインとは何かという問題関心がある。このことを考える上で、改めて現在の都市デザイン行政の実態を把握する必要があるという認識のもとで、我々は都市デザイン室の活動内容や市役所における役割、あるいは他部局との関係について、事前の文献調査に基づく半構造化インタビューを依頼することにした。
The Urban Design Yokohama Exhibition, held at BankART KAIKO in the Kitanaka district from March to April 2022, was, as the theme suggests, a retrospective of 50 years of urban design administration in Yokohama City. The exhibition attracted visitors of all ages, indicating the high level of interest in urban design in Yokohama.
Akira Tamura Memorial – A Town Planning Research Initiative NPO has been conducting empirical research into the role of urban design in the city of Yokohama. The coming goal is to report on the academic conference of SAHANZ and UMPH group scheduled to be held in Auckland, New Zealand, in November 2022. There is fundamentally an interest in the question of what kind of urban design can respond to changes in the quality and quantity of urban problems on a global scale. Recognising the circumstance of the current urban design in this context, we decided to have semi-structured interview based on a preliminary information review on the activities of the Urban Design Office, its role in the city administration or its relationship with other departments.
The NPO's policy is in principle to make research data open to scientific verification. In conducting the survey, it was acknowledged that, from the perspective of protecting personal data, the interviews would first be recorded and then transcribed for review by the interviewees in advance. However, in response to a request from the Urban Design Office, the survey this time took the form of sending the questions in writing and requesting the interviewee respond to them in the form of an 'interview record' that had been done before. We would like to thank the members of the Yokohama Urban Design Office for their cooperation in the survey despite their busy work schedules.
The result of the survey was very fruitful from our research activities viewpoint, since we were able to gain an official view of the current activities of the Urban Design Office. Prior to the survey, it was unclear how achievements of the urban design to date was largely due to the unique staff or to the organizational structure of the Urban Design Office ? In the past, for better or worse, the Urban Design Office often seemed to be pursuing projects on its own initiative. Of course, further verification of such activities is necessary, but at the very least, the current activities of the Urban Design Office are clearly different from those of the past. If the Office is to carry out activities that go beyond its administrative boundaries, the relationship with other departments will obviously become problematic.
Akira Tamura once used the term 'atypical flow' to argue that 'urban management' should sometimes make good use of legal regulations and organisational logic, then slip through them. In order to carry out such flexible municipal management, it is assumed that a personable element, i.e. staff with ideas and the ability to implement them, is first necessary. However, it seems that a system that supports such activities well and does not become rigid is very difficult to attain. It is a hypothesis that has arisen from recent research that the Urban Design Office, while using vague concepts such as 'townscape' and 'culture' in the past, may have allowed such freedom to a certain extent.
The aim of our research is to further such verification on the basis of this interview record. We will continue our research with the hope that we can return something useful back to the Urban Design Office, which has continued its activities with a focus on 'public benefits' in urban space despite various restrictions and changes in the times, and which is looking to the future on the basis of its 50th anniversary in the past.
By Atsuhiro Aoki

Urban Design of Yokohama 横浜市都市デザイン室
The Urban Design Section of the Yokohama City Government has been established for decades since the early 1970s, the oldest urban design institution within local governments in Japan. It can be said that the transmission of the institution concerned with design coordination and aesthetic values in the local governmental system is a very unusual and peculiar case. Through the chronological study of the section's history, we will clarify its issues and future prospects.
Professor Morio Uzuki recalled the memory of Akira Tamura and reflected on Uzuki's urban design experiencing the strong collaboration with Yokohama's UD team 卯月盛夫教授(早稲田大学)が田村明との想い出と横浜の都市デザインとの長年にわたる交流について語りました
